Thursday, December 2, 2010

stop the stink

Mallory M.
Lillie C.
Thomas D.
McCabe M.

How can sewage pollution be prevented or stopped after/before it enters the water?

The topic that we are investigating is water sewage. We feel that this topic is important to the world because we need to find a solution to clean water, and to know for sure if the water that we are drinking is not contaminated. We also need to find a solution to put a place for the sewage, and/or clean the water 100% so it is drinkable. To begin to find ideas to prevent this problem, we will organize our thoughts and do lots of research.

Here is our team logo!

Here is our mind map.

Here is a list of websites of organizations that we will be contacting.

Two Organizations:
"Stop the Stink"

Questionable Organizations
"Tennessee Clean Water Network"

Here is our map of where sewage pollution is a problem. This, however, is only 3 of millions of places in the world where sewage pollution is a problem.

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