Monday, December 6, 2010

Haiti helpers: Cholera outbreak in Haiti

Haiti Helpers

Who is most likely to get cholera?
We chose this question because we could probably get to those places before it gets really bad to where it could around a whole city and kill a lot of people.

  • Partners & Health

They need water

Melissa S. Kelley M. Laurie S. Esequiel J. Ian W.

They Need water is back with another post! We've come up with a big question for our project. It's “How can rising awareness effect the water shortage in Africa?” We chose this question because we want to know how places would be effected when more people know what is going on there. We've also contacted a few organizations! They are:
World Vision
CDC- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Global Water
World Health
and The Water Project

And this is our logo:

This is our Mind map:

Stopping Oil Spills

OIl Spills
How do oil spills affect the people living in that area(diseases, clean-up, etc.)?
Stop Oil Spills

Membership and Public Information
1875 Connecticut Ave, NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20009
Send an email

Thursday, December 2, 2010

S.O.S India

Our group is trying to solve water issues in India. First  we are doing is doing some research on problems that india is having with water. Some water problems that india is having is is drinking water.200 million people dont have clean water to drink in India.

toxication investigation

                                                                                                                           Hope  S.         EvelinP.
                                                                                                                          Brian F.           Omar R.
Toxication Investigation:
 Hello, our team name is the Toxication Investigation. Our names are Hope S., Omar R., Evelin P.,Brian Our team manager is Hope and she is in charge of telling us what to do and how todo it. I (Brian) the I.T Specialist and I'm in charge of computer  technology and what ingormation goes onto this blog. Evelin (the Creative Design Specialist) is in charge of designing for example drawing, photos, and creating the mind map . Omar (the Science Content Experts) is in charge of helping other people if they need help and also does research to make our information correct.

       The issue our group is doing is toxic water because in class we havew been learning about how all of these contents in water and all the affects it has on living organisms.We did research and there is about 4,000 kids die each day due to toxic water. We also picked out toxic water because there is alot of parts of the world were kids drink toxic water because they don't know what is clean water, so they drink it without knowing it would kill them, sometimes its also because there is no other water that they can drink so there is no choice.

Companies helping with water pollution:
California Coast Keeper Alliance
N.A.A.E.E (North American Association for Environmenta Education

Life Savers

Our group is focusing on plastic pollution that’s affecting our ocean. There is enough trash to fill the State of Texas. All the trash and plastic that doesn’t get thrown away goes immediately to the ocean and affects many of these ocean animals and die after the days. The reason why ocean animals die is because they think that plastic is food so they start eating it, and that affects their body.  

World Wide Water Waster Haters

Group Question:
How are we losing our water so fast and quickly when we have so much it?
Two Companies: Moen,
Water use it